Women in the Workplace

A view from the Rockefeller Deloitte office in New York City, circa April 2019.

A view from the Rockefeller Deloitte office in New York City, circa April 2019.

The state of women in corporate America has been greatly affected by the current global pandemic. Women are getting burnout due to the increasing demands of helping their young children with homeschooling, on top of their normal work schedule. They are juggling Zoom meetings, while answering fourth or fifth grade math questions for their children. It’s overwhelming.

Although most companies offer paid leave, per a McKinsey and Company comprehensive study, completed in conjunction with LeanIn.org, to help companies advance diversity in the workplace, many women fear that taking a leave might negatively impact their career trajectory, their performance and opportunity for promotion.

If you would like to learn more about the obstacles women face in the workplace, join my Lean In Circle, Elevate Women of the Move. Every month, we will discuss topics that affect us, women in the workplace.

Many employees take leave, but some worry about negative consequences.
— womenintheworkplace.com

Women in the Times of COVID-19


Uncertain Times